Friday 9 May 2014

Online Advertising: Why is digital ad spending growing so rapidly?

Forecast is online ad spending is going to further upset TV ad spending balance sheet. Take a look at the internet ad revenues of 2013 which soared to $42.8 billion surpassing TV ad revenues of $40.1 billion! What does it suggest? Are the advertisers shifting their leanings towards online forms of advertising?

Ad experts are saying in its support. Online advertising is capable to promote ad materials via various forms of advertising, namely banner ads, search engine optimization, social networking, email marketing, online classified ads, site takeovers, and also SPAM! Facebook ads, YouTube ads, Sponsored Tweets, Rich Media Ads, Popup ads, Blogging, etc. do also come under the online advertising.

In fact, you may come across such ad materials present on almost every web page in a form or the other. Online advertising is thus one of the fastest ways to reach an audience.

As per various advertising models, three categories of them are more popular than the others. They are CPA or Cost per Action, PPC or Pay per Click, and CPM or Cost per Mille.

CPA model of advertising transfers all risk to the publisher. Advertisers pay the publishers only when the conversion is made via clicks. Advertising costs are quite high here.

PPC model of advertising is very common form of advertising. Advertisers pay their publishers when their ads get clicks, even if a purchase doesn’t take place. In this model, target keywords are highly important.

CPM model is popularly known as Cost per Thousand. The ‘M’ in CPM represents 1000. If a publisher charges $2 CPM, then the advertiser has to pay $2 per 1000 impressions of its ads.

Customer Service: Is social engagement taking over it?

The verdict is out! Social customer engagement is better performer than conventional customer service. Look into the organizational efforts ensuring customer service where you’ll come to know how they’re leveraging social and mobile technologies! Customers feel comfortable by sharing their views, putting their inquiries, and getting an issue resolved through social channels. As a result, a rapid shift to social media engagement is visible in organizational efforts to gain positive impact from them.

Facebook, Twitter, etc. are the examples. Customers are turning to them whenever they plan to purchase anything, want to be vocal about a bad service experience, or seek to collect a feedback of an item in a matter of seconds! It is reported that over 30% of customer service inquiries are initiated over social channels. Take a tour around Facebook and Twitter to understand how efficiently they are handling customer service requirements.  

As the whole world is coming into your hand-grip, companies are moving to mobile customer service. Platforms, tools, technologies are changing the way of interactions by ensuring expediency in the foreseeable future.

Social customer engagement is the key takeaway for better customer service. Explore various social channels to know how they are allowing companies to build deeper and more intimate relationships with customers as long as they can promote peer-to-peer engagement and provide relevant and timely information as and when required.

Social Networking: Expanding Horizons

Our increased use of living online and mobile has vast implications in social networking. People can now connect, create, interact, and collaborate among them on the global scale when and how they want. As a result, boundaries among them are getting blurred dramatically side-by-side creating a specific subculture of interest groups.

Now, knowing everything about everyone you’ve ever met personally or virtually is possible! For instance, you can see what your friends ate for dinner, how they tackle their Monday blues, or how fussy their kids have been. Even business promotion opportunities are also so compelling that business people think they will miss out many things for sure if they avoid promoting on social networking sites.

Getting involved into Social networking sites could be fun as well as useful. For, social networking sites give their users a great opportunity to keep in touch with their old friends and their families, as well as with their current ones, and also to create new online friendships with people who share similar interests and views.

Take a few examples of social networking sites. Facebook, Twitter, Google+, LinkedIn, Myspace, etc. come into mind successively, without a pause. Each of them has their own networking edge. LinkedIn cuts stronger bite in professional front while Twitter serves crispy messages to a network of contacts as opposed to sending bulk email messages. Does Facebook need an introduction?